Proper question for a son of a family of traditional post-Gutenberg printers. My Father taught me to read and write by taking the lead letters from those boxes, from those small square spaces, arranged alphabetically, from left to right, in their various sizes, round or italic, uppercase and lowercase, arranged on the composer, measured with typometer. Words were created, organized into sentences, generated paragraphs and gave life to "forms", which became pages that became books. The last was intended to contain the index that carried the book in the hands of the binder who completed the work. I realized that I have written my book, I am still writing it, I hope I can continue to do so I do not know yet for how long, my index, that of my life, with those movable type, with my fingers stained with ink ...I am a dinosaur, I learned about the New World that was coming, reading the books of Aldous Huxley and George Orwell. "1984" is long gone, and it looks like cultural archeology. I believe that good information will survive both on paper and digital. MEDIUM is the future ... and there is more coming ...